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Soul On Fire: 08.2005


Take Me As I Am-

When all is said and done for me, whenever, wherever- I hope, I hunger to be remembered as a dreamer. I think, when I stop dreaming that I will truly stop living. I'm just not ever satisfied and that tends to lead to new adventures. No morbidity intended, just had one of those epiphany's about myself today. My inner self is constantly dreaming and seeking inspiration.

peace and light,




I would humbly like to make a stern suggestion here...

Please, please, please educate yourself about Bob Marley, his words & his vision. Then watch and listen to his performances...please! You will come to understand his absolute, magnificent, daunted, true greatness. And PEOPLE, dear God will you look beyond 'Legend' and start digging into his real work.

When the day arrives in which this world must unite together to defend Earth, I promise you that the voice & symbol for freedom will be the poor boy from Nine Miles, Jamaica. And that is Bob Marley. Believe me when I tell you that!

I'm speechless,
